RockerZ Faqs

RockerZ Hard Skate Guards 13 Assorted Colors You Choose Mix N Match!

RockerZ Skate Guards are ergonomically designed with your safety, comfort and the environment in mind ...and of course, style, color choices and fun are just as important.

RockerZ are made with recycled materials & are 100% recyclable including hardware. Proudly designed & manufactured in the United States for exceptional quality & environmental standards. RockerZ comes in 13 colors that combine beautifully - mix & match up to four.

Specifically designed and custom cut for your blade size, these guards are color filled protection for your expensive blades.
Always use guards when off the ice. Rubber mats around rinks frequently are dirty and gritty and walking without guards can dull edges quickly. Don't store your skates with guards on. Trapped water can rust your blades. Use Soft Soakers for protecting your blades when stored.

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